What is Shifting Design?

Shifting Design is a free summit brought to you by the Design Team at Deputy. We’re passionate about connecting with, learning from and giving back to the incredible Design & Tech Communities. The summit will take place virtually over four days either via Zoom Panels or Instagram Lives with @designingdeputy and guests.

What can I expect at Shifting Design?

You can expect to learn from an incredible line up of designers and leaders. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, engage with and connect with like-minded people across the world. We’ll be uploading content and resources after the event for those who couldn’t make it. 

What is expected of me?

Just turn up, be respectful of others and enjoy the learnings! This is the first virtual summit we as a team have ever run, so we would appreciate your feedback and patience if there are any technical glitches.

Is Shifting Design accessible?

Panel events 
Shifting Design panels are hosted using Zoom. Each Zoom panel will have live captioning provided by a CaptionLIVE stenographer. There will be a slight delay between the live audio and the closed captions appearing in the feed due to how Zoom processes live captioning. Use this help article to learn how to turn on captions during the eventLive support will be available in Zoom chat during each session.

Instagram live events
Instagram events will not have live captions, they will be added after the event concludes.

Are we missing something?
If there is anything else we need to provide for you to access and enjoy Shifting Design please email Lisi Schappi at shiftingdesign@deputy.com.

Morning sessions will be hosted as “Instagram Lives” via the @deputydesign instagram account. We recommend following this account to keep up-to-date with the events and engage with content throughout the summit. 

How do I join the day of the event?

Morning sessions will be hosted as “Instagram Lives” via the @deputydesign instagram account. We recommend following this account to keep up-to-date with the events and engage with content throughout the summit. 

Lunchtime and evening panels will require registration via Zoom. You can register to these via shifting.design/register. Once you have registered you will receive a confirmation email from the Shifting Design zoom account, and a reminder 1 hour before the event begins.

Will Shifting Design be recorded?

Our Instagram Lives will be saved on our @designingdeputy instagram account so you can go back and watch them at your leisure. We won’t be recording our Zoom Panels, however, we’ll be pushing out highlights and key content after the event which will be accessible to everyone. 

How do I RSVP for sessions?

Head over to shifting.design/register to register for each Zoom panel and follow our instagram account to get notified about the live sessions.

How do I know if my registration went through?

You will receive a confirmation email from the Shifting Design zoom account. The email confirmation has a link to add the event to your calendar.

Once I'm registered, how do I join the panels?

Your confirmation email and reminder email have the link to join the panels you register for. Each panel has a unique link, so please make sure you are using the correct link to join!